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Everything posted by catfish

  1. Hi Again. I am building a new website for a client / probably with CMS made simple. Is it beneficial for the client to ALSO have a separate Blog that links to a from both to make SEO stronger? Any suggestions or comments on this anyone?
  2. I recently have been told a website I am working on has all kinds of layout issues when viewing it with Windows 98. Windows 98! How many use that anymore?? My question is - should I be concerned about this. My feeling is to not worry about it. What do you think?:/
  3. catfish

    adjustable width

    Oh my, I forgot that the links are active. I was trying 3 different styles/color schemes for this client, this one being the last. It is in the early stages of filling content, so yes all the pages will be the same in the end. He likes this one as well. Thankyou for that. I wondered about a max-width as well but was unsure what it should be. What do you think for max-width? When I hit the restore down button in most if not all the browsers the "back to top" link goes into the footer still. This is my specific question. Are you getting this too?
  4. catfish

    adjustable width

    I'm sorry, I think I have played with it so much I go confused now. Will you please check again in the different browsers. If you say it looks ok, I will stop playing. Thanks again
  5. catfish

    adjustable width

    Ok, I think it is working fine now in FF, IE, but not in Safari or Opera??
  6. catfish

    adjustable width

    Yes it is better. Now what I notice though is that it throws off my matching columns. The smaller the browser, the more the right column moves down. (actually, I guess I always did??) Can you see why?)
  7. catfish

    adjustable width

    Thankyou Thelma... but that is not the look I am after either. That fills the screen and I would like to see some of the background around the container.
  8. catfish

    adjustable width

    I have made my first attempt at an expanding layout for this new website. I am happy with it but upon furthur investigation I see when the browser is smaller the layout is no longer centered. I have a horizontal navigation that I don't want stacking as well as a right hand image in the banner that I don't want overlapping with the left so I have placed a min-width of 920px on the container. When I remove this the container will stay centered but the nav and the image overlap. this is the css for the #container; #container{ margin:19px 15%; background-color: #efefef; border:1px solid #4b4a4a; border-bottom:2px solid #4b4a4a; min-width:920px; } Any suggestions would be great. My link is here; http://www.catfishwebcreations.com/DrSmith/red.html Thanks!
  9. Eric, thankyou. That did fix it perfectly. I am trying to understand it. How did you know what the height of the #nav is? I can't find it in my own stylesheet?
  10. Yes, I'm back so soon and onto a new site. I've used the matching columns script as shown is Stefan's video numerous times with luck but this left column seems to be falling short by approx 50px or so. I think the matching columns is actually working however there seems to be a bit of a padding or margin problem with the left column. No matter how much content is in the right column the left is always short by the same amount. Can someone help out? Here is the link to 2 pages. http://lambs.awardspace.com/index.html http://lambs.awardspace.com/faq.html Thank you
  11. Success! I phoned the host. With this host I don't need to preceed the username and dbname with anything. It was the host address I had wrong. I had left it default at "localhost" which I had done before on other servers. Thanks for the help. I am so happy!
  12. Susie, you are always so helpful. I will do that and thankyou so much.
  13. thanks, but is this because you set it up that way? Or does your host company make you enter it that way?
  14. Thanks Susie; I checked 30 times probably and just looked again and everything is correct. Very frustrating. If I contact the hosting company would they know anything about CMS to help at all? I started out with Version 1.5.1 CMS and then tried 1.4.1 because my last site was 1.4.1 and it worked. Obviously this isn't the reason.
  15. I have done this successfully (however not every time without problems) 3 or 4 times. I am doing a new website and setting up CMSmadesimple for the client. I feel I know what I am doing now BUT I GUESS NOT!! I've created my database (with permissions for the user) db name: ccccccc username: aaaaaaa password: bbbbbbbb In the past I believe I entered the account name before the db name and username in the fields with _ after (but not the password, like this db name: catfish_ccccccc username: catfish_aaaaaaa password: bbbbbbbb Now I have tried so many senarios I don't know what I am doing wrong. I wonder if someone could help me out. Please and Thankyou
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