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  1. My dear friend Falken, I just registered to the forum to ask you a question. Is there any chance tonight or tomorrow you will update your PHP Pagination Tutorial so Ajax, jQuery and Prepared Statements are used ? That way, whole pages won't need reloading to update data on our pagination pages. Plus we get SQL injection proof added. I am a PHP Student. Still on procedural style and Mysqli and prepared statements. Haven't got into pdo or Oop style or JavaScript or any other programming language yet. Also your pagination contains the page number links at the top of the page. Would be great if there were a copy on the bottom of the page too. Also can you update it to make it Mobile Responsive for all devices ? Don't bother revolving around Twitter's bootstrap as better not to be dependant on a commercial company's template. Do drop me a PM after you've updated your tutorial to 2019 standard. PS - May we see a PHP Mysqli & Prepared Statement tutorial from you on Member Registration & Login site ? And another tutorial where you teach us how to build a search chengine (Search feature, Crawler, Index, etc) with mysqli and prepared statements and Ajax and jQuery ? Thank You!
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