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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Thanks, Eric, first I heard of this tid-bit. (or I forgot) But it makes sense when I think about it.
  2. #menu { width: 80%; margin: 0 auto; } #menu ul { } #menu ul li { float: right; display: block; text-decoration: none; } untested, but might work. cssplay.co.uk have some excellent horizontal nav menus.
  3. Closer, but they will likely be lagging behind on CSS2.1 and CSS3 still.
  4. #intro_menu { margin: 0 auto; } looks nicer
  5. I'm thinking this site should be fixed width and centered in the Browser. Especially because of the gradient background images. A bit 'cluttered'. Needs some white space, packed with links, maybe too many?
  6. Internet Explorer 8 should be out this year some time. It [starts to) catch up to the other Browsers in terms of CSS2.1. Just finished a PDF on implementing display: table for layout in IE8/Firefox/Opera/Safari. It looks like the best thing since sliced bread to the Author. I'll give some of the ideas a run through and surely report back here with the news. Good or bad. Another Comparison page here: http://www.webdevout.net/browser-support-css
  7. Yes, it is possible. Lots of CMS's have those same features. I visited your site, but there no drop-down Menus on it that I could find. What code are you working with now, and what does your Database Table look like?
  8. jlhaslip


    include_once() will only include the file if it has not been included already.
  9. Optionally, XAMPP is another single click php/mysql/apache installer.
  10. Post a link to your page or post the code here, please. My guess is that you might be using percentages for sizing?
  11. You might want to check at the Support Forum for the new E-commerce software to see if there is a Converter script available that might lessen the load.
  12. this is the one you need to add: click that to display the new 'toolbar'
  13. Handmaid should likely be Handmade? 8,000 Euros for one of them? I'm dropping Web Design for needlepoint.
  14. jlhaslip

    Positioning issues

    Add a doctype and have a look at the validator results. http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.donnieadams.webs.com%2Fcareer.htm&charset=(detect+automatically)&doctype=Inline&group=0 Just trying to help you pass the course.
  15. jlhaslip

    Positioning issues

    border-bottom will (usually) do the same thing as an hr tag and can be styled to look uniform across browsers.
  16. Depends on your code. Can you post a link to the page or post the code here inside bbcode code tags? Typically, with a CSS design, the elements use margins, padding and floats to position elements. Absolute/relative positioning are also options.
  17. place the code for each image into different places on your page.
  18. Not really any 'limit' except your bandwidth will take a beating if the images are too large. Also, large images will be slow to load for the clients. yes, you should make room for the image on your page, otherwise the image will push content down or sideways and mess up the lay-out. Change the filename.jpg to the actual name of the image you use. Adjust the width and height to suit your site placement. These sizes are the size on the page. The image could be smaller or larger to start with.
  19. jlhaslip


    you missed a bunch of the css code. The code for the span, etc needs to also be in the CSS. Untitled Page <!--<br />/*<br /> =================================<br /> start of Tooltip css code here<br /> ================================= */<br /><br /> a.info{<br /> position:relative; /*this is the key*/<br /> z-index:24;<br /> background-color:#e0e0e0; /* background colour of display text */<br /> color:#000000; /* colour of display text */<br /> border:1px dotted #999; /* border colour */<br /> text-decoration:none;<br /> font-style:italic;<br /> }<br /><br /> a.info:hover {<br /> z-index:25;<br /> background-color:#ffff66;<br /><br /> }<br /><br /> a.info span{<br /> display: none; /* hide the span text using this css */<br /> }<br /><br /> a.info:hover span{ /*the span will display just on :hover state*/<br /> display:block;<br /> position:absolute;<br /> top: 1.5em;<br /> left: 3em;<br /> width:15em;<br /> border:1px solid #ff0000; /* border colour */<br /> background-color:#ffff99; /* background colour here */<br /> color:#000000; /* text colour */<br /> text-align: center;<br /> font-size: .8em;<br /> font-style:italic;<br /> z-index:30;<br /> }<br /><br /> .images {<br /> vertical-align:bottom;<br /> }<br />--> display textTool Tip Text Here code is based on your Demo page, but I removed the second link. check it out.
  20. Kudos to you. Nice work. Another scammer bites the dust. For now.
  21. jlhaslip


    /* ================================= start of Tooltip css code here ================================= */ a.info{ position:relative; /*this is the key*/ z-index:24; background-color:#e0e0e0; /* background colour of display text */ color:#000000; /* colour of display text */ border:1px dotted #999; /* border colour */ text-decoration:none; font-style:italic; } a.info:hover { z-index:25; background-color:#ffff66; } a.info span{ display: none; /* hide the span text using this css */ } a.info:hover span{ /*the span will display just on :hover state*/ display:block; position:absolute; top: 1.5em; left: 3em; width:15em; border:1px solid #ff0000; /* border colour */ background-color:#ffff99; /* background colour here */ color:#000000; /* text colour */ text-align: center; font-size: .8em; font-style:italic; z-index:30; } .images { vertical-align:bottom; }
  22. jlhaslip


    go to the link in post 6 and do a view source to snag the CSS for the tooltip.
  23. Doubt it. The forwarding takes place at the Server end (http requests) and is out of your hands in that case.
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