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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. ID's should only be used once on a page, but Classes can be used several times. ID's are 'more specific' that 'class', so I would suggest that you use ID's for the page structure and class for elements within the structure. Base I have no experience with other that a CMS I run uses it, but it is automated, so I have not really cheked it out.
  2. She'll use it to inform Alaskans about how she is doing basking in the national spotlight.
  3. W3schools is okay, but the crew here is more 'personal', and the average experience level is higher, I think. I visit both places. Glad to have you here.
  4. like this? http://jlhaslip.trap17.com/samples/gallery/hoverbox/index.html
  5. First thing is to run a phpinfo() and use that output to find the correct .ini file. phpinfo(); ?> It will be listed in the phpinfo output, near the top. Then, check the php.ini file for two things: 1.) Set the value to error_reporting = E_ALL during development but after production set the value to error_reporting = E_NONE . *edit* line 241 in my php.ini 2.) Set the value of display_errors to On. Even if you set error_reporting = E_ALL you will not get any error message ( no matter how buggy our script is ) unless display_errors is set to On.*edit* line 248 in my php.ini
  6. No. A paragraph can not contain another paragraph. The closing tags get confused. And it is poor semantics. A Paragraph can contain a span, though.
  7. Tables inside div tags??? Why the div's? Absolute positioning? Why? The Flash is lagging. Needs a new server of Data Centre to serve it quicker.
  8. You might needs to clear the floats by adding the following to your CSS file and adding the class to the parent div that holds the floated div's /*** see http://www.positioniseverything.net/easyclearing.html for explanation of Tony Aslett's elegant hack ***/ .clearing:after { content: "."; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; } .clearing { display: inline-block; } /* Hides from IE-mac \*/ * html .clearing { height: 1%; } .clearing { display: block; } /* End hide from IE-mac */ /*** end clearing hack ***/ *edit* Tested, and indeed, it works as described.
  9. Don't make me mad... I have Hockey sticks.
  10. The basic error was solved by moving the fwrite inside the while loop. Echos to the screen for debugging purposes. Check the comments re: $count Also, set permissions for the file to be written to //============WRITE THE FILES=================== //zero $zero = 0; //my prefix $prefix = "123456789"; $myFile = $prefix . "-0000-0249" . ".txt"; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file"); $stringData = $prefix . $zero . "000" . "\r\n"; fwrite($fh, $stringData); echo '' . $myFile . ' Should contain:'; // debug echo $count = 0; // adjust to suit - good programming suggests setting the value before using it while($count$stringData = $prefix . "000" . $count++ . "\r\n"; // $count++ and ++$count are different - check the results using each // ++$count adds 1 before using the value // $count++ adds 1 after using the value echo $stringData . ' '; // debug echo fwrite($fh, $stringData); // notice that the fwrite is now inside the while loop??? } // end while loop fclose($fh); //=============================================== ?>
  11. try "\r\n" instead of the "\n"
  12. Yes, that is correct. Do you have the html validator installed as an Add-on? I think it works when you access a browser view source IF it is installed and without accessing the Icon for the html validator, and that would explain why the Browser view source was crashing. Excellent Add-on. Highly recommended, along with the Web Developer's Extension and Firebug. Those would be my selections for the three best FF Add-ons.
  13. For the benefit of the Firefox users that are also using the HTML Validator, they "fixed" a bug that causes it to fail in Firefox 3.09. I was confused and befuddled when the Add-on crashed on me since a recent upgrade to ubuntu 9.04 and thought that the OS was failing, but it turns out to be Firefox's latest release that was causing the issue. That's what I get for upgraded both Firefox and Ubuntu on the same day without testing each one separately. Upgrades can be found here for all versions that the extension is available for. here The issue was crashing the Firefox browser when attempting to do a "view source". It seemed to only crash when there were errors or warnings on the page being inspected. Error/warning free pages worked fine.
  14. jlhaslip

    converting table to css

    No, the use of align and valign is allowed for table cells in html4 documents, which is acceptable coding standard if you are not serving xml. A strict doctype is prefered. http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/tables.html#h-11.3.2
  15. jlhaslip

    converting table to css

    By the way, that link has a whack of errors and warnings, most of them from using an html Doctype with xhtml coding. Example, the self-closing tags have '/' at the end which html does not require. http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webdrycleaners.com%2F&charset=(detect+automatically)&doctype=Inline&ss=1&group=0&user-agent=W3C_Validator%2F1.654 Might want to work on that. Your new pages should be using a strict doctype, and html is suggested since you do not serve any xhtml/xml code
  16. jlhaslip

    converting table to css

    text-align is inherited by the elements below it (child elements). To change the behaviour, you need to modify the text-align on the child elements.
  17. jlhaslip

    area for links

    An unordered list is already a block-level container and should not require a wrapper div unto its own. also, by floating the container, even if it was not block-level, it becomes block-level. Go back to the code I supplied and remove the 11em margin on the content area to see if that is what you want, the text wrapping underneath the link area.
  18. jlhaslip

    area for links

    You would need to remove the position: absolute and replace it with a 'float: left;'. ul.navbar { list-style-type: none; padding: 1em; // added some padding here for separation margin: 0; float: left; width: 9em } For positioning, check out the Tutorials about Floats, Padding and Margins. Hope this helps.
  19. thanks, us Canucks need to stick together...
  20. use UTF-8, as it allows greater scope and flexibility for other languages.
  21. Ack! Just re-read the opening post and I apologize for failing to see the most basic of flaws in the code... my bad! /* strip tags from following varibles....................*/ strip_tags("$name"); strip_tags("$email"); strip_tags("$phone"); strip_tags("$message"); /* See anything wrong with that snippet? The strip_tags function is not being assigned to variables... I should have caught that sooner. Sorry. /* data recieved from the contact_form.php .......................................*/ $name = $_POST['firstname'] .' '. $_POST['lastname']; $email = $_POST['email']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; $message = $_POST['message']; /* stripos for email verification................................*/ $v_email = stripos ("$email" , "@"); /* strip tags from following varibles....................*/ $name = strip_tags("$name"); $email = strip_tags("$email"); $phone = strip_tags("$phone"); $message = strip_tags("$message"); /* Or: /* data recieved from the contact_form.php .......................................*/ $name = strip_tags($_POST['firstname']) .' '. strip_tags($_POST['lastname']); $email = strip_tags($_POST['email']); $phone = strip_tags($_POST['phone']); $message = strip_tags($_POST['message']); /*
  22. nope. That is checking for the existence of newlines and returns. It would really be nice to see your phpinfo() results, there is more than one way to set magic-quotes and handling them differs based on the setting. If you are concerned about security with respect to the Forum here, create the file and send me the link by PM.
  23. could you list the code you are working with, please. Also, do a phpinfo() to see if magic-quotes is 'on' for the Server. Thanks.
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