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Everything posted by edoplaza

  1. Well, thank you very much for the information. The suggested solutions are very interesting, but, as I said before, I need to improve my PHP skills to handle all those scripts properly. For now, I think I'll duplicate every file in both languages as the site is very small (it would be mainly the navigation bar, and probably a 3 or 4 other pages) Cheers, Eduardo
  2. As I'm not lazy, I'll translate both texts myself (or, better than that, I will ask the client to provide the English version of his texts). At least he is not a writer or something like that, with tons of text to translate. I was just wondering about the necessity of having every single file in two versions. Maybe, in a future, when I improve my php skills, I'll have both texts located in a DB and I'll just use a little function to switch between Spanish and English (Gosh, why didn't that Esperanto language work..., that would be easier then...) Thanks Eduardo
  3. Hello, A client wants his new site to be bilingual, meaning that he wants a "magic" button at the top of the banner saying "English version" (the site is originally in Spanish") and viceversa which changes the content of the whole site automatically in just one click. What would be the best apporach to achieve this? Do I have to create everything twice, or create like a parallel site? Thanks Eduardo
  4. edoplaza

    Opacity problem

    Thanks a lot for your quick answers!
  5. edoplaza

    Opacity problem

    Hello, I recently discovered the "opacity" property, which I find very exciting. One question here: My html is very simple: I want the container to be 50% opaque and the two other divs 100% opaque. I applied individual opacities for each div, like this: #container { filter: alpha(opacity=50) ; opacity: .5 ; background-color: #595959; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 960px; height: 100%; } #leftcontent { filter: alpha(opacity=100); opacity: 1; background-color: #CCCCCC; height: 400px; width: 500px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; float: left; padding: 5px; } #rightcontent { filter: alpha(opacity=100); opacity: 1; background-color: #CCCCCC; height: 400px; width: 500px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; float: right; padding: 5px; } But it doesn't work. The two divs seem to inherit the 50% opacity property from the container. How do I assign independent opacities? Thanks, Eduardo
  6. Sorry, I didn't mean that. The client wants to put those mails in a DB associated to her web page. She just wants to send new info about products or news to a mail list of her clients. Those mails will never appear in any visible place of her site.
  7. Hello everybody, I use MySQL and PHP. This is the situation: I have a client with a list of almost 300 email adresses and wants to put that information in a web page I'm creating for her. So, I need to populate a database with the following fields: first name, last name and email adress. What would be the best option for this? I guess an Excel file would be a good choice, but how do I proceed? Does someone have an idea? Cheers Eduardo
  8. Thanks for the info guys, I really appreciate it. I'll change my code as soon as possible, and I will use strict HTML for now on... Great forum, by the way! Cheers, Eduardo
  9. Hello, Thanks for your reply. About your comment, I think you are right, but the client specifically told me not to put links on those logos...what can I do? Client is king... On the other hand, I think the content of that page needs more color, or a better layout, there is too much white. What do you think?
  10. Ok, I see, it's not that bad... Now, would it be too wrong to just leave the site as transitional? why is it so important to correct this? Cheers
  11. Just a question, When trying to change the DTD from html 1.0 transitional to strict html 4.01, I have now too many errors on the validation pages. Is there a way to do this automatically?
  12. Thank you very much for your reviews, As I said before, I'm new in the web business (I am a professional musician myself), so I am very glad to hear some positive comments about my first site. I am still a little confused about the graphics I should use (.jpg, .gif., .png), and other coding details (spans, for example). Also the more I look at my html code and my .css file, the messier they seem to me. I'm still reading a lot (I bought 5 books about php, css, etc.) and I'm enjoying them a lot. For the left bottom image, that's my personal logo and in a future it will be a link to my own web page. I just didn't know how to put that information in an orthodox way. Anyway, Thanks again Eduardo
  13. Hello, I'm new at this forum and just found out this section which I find very helpful. I'd love to hear what you think about my first "serious" site (for a client, who also is my cousin...). It's a small consulting company for human resources on enterprises in Caracas, Venezuela (yes, the site is in Spanish). I said it's my first serious site because it's the first time I use divs, css, php, etc... I've been learning all this by myself for 9 months now, with books and tutorials. Design and programming is all mine (logo is my sister's). Thanks in advance. note: pictures on the front page are temporary, I need better ones. Site: ww w.sdac onsulto res.com [remove spaces] Regards, Eduardo
  14. Thanks for your answer. I kind of solved the problem. The main idea was to have some text and (3 paragraphs) a picture floated to the right, so at first, I put the tags and the tag, then I floated the to the right. It worked perfectly on Firefox, etc., but it wasn't working on IE8. So, I finally decided to wrap both tags with two divs, one for the text, one for the image, and floated them. Problem solved: http://www.sdaconsultores.com/quienessomos/nuestragente.php Cheers, Eduardo
  15. Hi everybody, Normally, this page of my site looks Ok on firefox, safari, chrome, etc.: http://www.sdaconsultores.com/quienessomos/nuestragente.php but, on IE8 there is a big white space between the first and the second one. This is the code of the div: Johan St?ve Bello jstuve@sdaconsultores.com Ingenier?a Civil, Universidad Cat?lica Andr?s Bello, Caracas, Venezuela. Experiencia profesional en empresas de construcci?n, donde se desarroll? en diversas ?reas t?cnicas y gerenciales. Fue gerente de proyectos de una empresa de consultor?a gerencial por m?s de a?o y medio, donde manej? procesos de planificaci?n y control de proyectos, manejo efectivo de la informaci?n y desarrollo de equipos de trabajo entre otros. Trabaj? durante dos a?os como profesor de la Franja de Habilidades Gerenciales del MBA de la Universidad del Externado de Colombia. Actualmente preside SDA Consultores y se desempe?a como socio de negocios, y consultor en las ?reas de Cultura de Interacci?n y Desarrollo Humano y Profesional. Does someone know how to fix this? Thanks in advance Eduardo
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