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Posts posted by Bake76

  1. I don't really get your folder structure but I suggest somesting like this:


    Then your my-friends.html should look like this:

    <!doctype html>
              <title>Friends page</title>
    	<p>Welcome to my personal <a href="../index.html"> home page.</a></p>
    	<h1> Friends Page</h1>
    	<p>Check out a list of <a href="">my friends.</a></p>
    	<p>Check out a list of <a href="my-plans.html">my plans.</a></p>
    	<p>Check out a list of <a href="my-work.html">my works.</a></p>

    And your index.html like this:


    <!doctype html>
              <title>Friends page</title>
    	<p>Welcome to my personal <a href="#"> home page.</a></p>
    	<h1> Friends Page</h1>
    	<p>Check out a list of <a href="subpages/my-friends.html">my friends.</a></p>
    	<p>Check out a list of <a href="subpages/my-plans.html">my plans.</a></p>
    	<p>Check out a list of <a href="subpages/my-work.html">my works.</a></p>



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