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Everything posted by lm

  1. start with creating test file, say test.php - copy paste this script into it as it is - just to see if this script working. Check also paths to the images - they should be in "images" folder as it stand in the script: images/offAir.gif. then use this script as include in any div as you were doing but again, check if paths to the images are correct or rather use absolute paths while testing.
  2. You will need to open .php files self, edit them and upload back to the server. It would be the only way.
  3. there certain rules for web typography so you can either google it to learn or use this source for example.
  4. in this line: getURL("/About Us.html", "_self"); do you have actual file with the title About Us.html? The file name should be without breaks, so it should be AboutUs.html or aboutus.html or About-Us.html and so on. though again, it seems that button self is not responds to getURL function anyway. Again, read some tutorial on how to create buttons and write getURL for it. Try to create a button by yourself and get it working. With Flash you really need to repeat what you see in tutorials to get grip on basics.
  5. another good example of flyout - on CSS Play
  6. I think it is better to take the initial menu.fla file (make a clean copy of it before you do any changes) and then, selecting the button, try to find this window with action script. If you have difficulties with it, look for Flash tutorials on buttons, especially on how to getURL function working. Flash self is written poorly in a sense that without knowing solid basics it is hard to get even right windows to show up. Nevermind the fact that they have produced many new versions which are often not compatible with each other.
  7. In the menu.fla edit links ( open action script window, double click on the button and see what links are appear so you can edit them) Should look like: getURL{the link}
  8. I still think that this "style" switcher makes sense if you have small includes with the text in other languages. To create fully functional website in 2 equal language versions it is better to have 2 full sets of HTML pages for each language ( with the link to other language on each page). Once you done it, to make website easy updatable, look into how to use PHP includes. If content for both languages needs frequent updates, do use CMS - WordPress seems most likely to be useful here as it has this plugin.
  9. Susie, Technically speaking, you can make your design in Photoshop first and then save image blocks ( .jpg) to insert them in Word page ( .doc file) one by one. Type text in text blocks right in .doc file, so they stay editable and your client can easily update their content. I suppose MS has ready-made templates ( look for online MS office) for any occasions - you can use them as an example.
  10. I wouldnt do any "style" switcher because it is a content changing (depending on language) going on here if to be precise. So you just make 2 pages in both languages ( most effective is to have PHP includes - will help when you will need to update the pages) and have a special button to switch to another language version. One most useful thing for multilingual website could be IP analyzer (which opens, for example, German version of home page for people with german based IP's).
  11. Depends also on how you embed Flash. Using SWFobject embed method allows to have altenative content which is accessible for search engines.
  12. lm

    No Animation IE

    The code seems ok after quick look but do check here for more precise code for your embed method or try other from this article. With IE you never know. Sometimes bit of holy water helps. Also, Which @#$@#$ version of IE you got? This new IE8 version seems the same !@#@!@ as IE6 in a sense that not all bugs are known yet. Well, almost. For now SWFobject embed method seems more and more popular. There full documentation on it available so it is quite easy to implement.
  13. lm

    No Animation IE

    Hi Brian, let us see what code you used to embed Flash?
  14. It is a much more settled layout indeed. Only something about the footer - it is a bit of confusion there ( design-wise and content-wise)- big logo of what? your company, or - if not, better add some slogan of what you use it for. It not exactly fits into your color set as well. Also, I'd move boomarking bar somewhere else as well ( not sure where yet).
  15. lm

    li ul hide sublist

    you will need to look for "flyout" menu. this basic one: just coped paste code.
  16. Writer (Open Office org) gives same level of mess as MS Word as you can see. Here is a list with Editors. ( Read the comments to this article - there could be better links to follow. I guess you can choose the editor you find easier to use and then every time make a clean up.
  17. if you mean what tags Flash "reads" in dynamic text - google for "HTML tags in Flash". You'll get results for various Flash versions.
  18. lm

    li ul hide sublist

    have you got one of Listamatics menus working? All your questions answered there. Try them all step for step to get grip on lists in general. Further, To get drop down-flyout horizontal menus working, if you starting from scratch, take some working example and anatomize it - style to your own. .Have you got some kind of a template you need to get working?
  19. lm

    li ul hide sublist

    the main problem here is that IE renders lists quite differently and most of the time needs conditional comments, so you do need to pick some example ( try CSS Play) menu.
  20. If you have few links - in your case it is a menu bar, the correct way is to code it using unordered list tag - ul. Styling lists with CSS instead of using image maps will help SEO and accessibility of the website in general. More reading: CSS Play and Listamatic
  21. there are many tutotials ( make search in Google for example) on how to make Flash movie player. Many of them based on XML list of the movies which load when buttons are clicked.
  22. lm

    Stumped again.....

    try to assign Stop action to the last frame of each transition and on a layer where it happens.
  23. Sorry I added link to the previous post. Hopefully this article will help
  24. About grid - in the article ( see link ) grid is explaned as a method to balance elements of the layout and to keep visitor focused on main content. It is now clear what your priorities are. I only can say as you have mighty competitors ( such as Google), making nifty layout would only help you.
  25. lm

    CSS layout

    Here is what went went wrong in a first place. Install web developer bar plugin in Firefox and rework your layout for Firefox first as it render correctly what you actually wrote in code. IE renders pages according to its own rules which are mostly wrong. The big issue is that now we have IE6, IE7, IE8 in which your page could look not the same again. So , write your page for Firefox and then add Conditional Comments ( if necessary) for IE. When you code, try to write semantically correct HTML first. Follow the links further on maxdesign presentation to get the example of good coding. For example here on this page is an example on how to code the page from very beginning. And again - always start off with rendering in Firefox and only after that adapt layout for IE with CC. Cheers
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