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Posts posted by Wickham
IE8 OK with sound on red house provided Active Scripting and Run ActiveX Controls & Plugins both enabled, also sounds over left menu.
Your page container is:-
#page {
text-align: left;
float: right;
but if you don't want a scrollbar you need to make this width: 100%; which means that it will not need float: right, and then make sure all other divs fit inside, either by giving them % widths or (if having text) not giving them a width so that they find their own width or allowing divs to move down to a lower level if there is not enough room at a small viewport resolution.
The advice I gave is the normal way of centering a div which doesn't have position: absolute; if it doesn't work in your case then there must be something in another style affecting it.
We need to see your whole page online and be able to download it all and test, including images and css files.
Your style for #navigation ul has width: 100% and float: left so it will always be 100% wide starting from the left. Make it a suitable width and add margin: auto; to make the side margins equal and flexible.
padding-left: 0;
margin: auto;
color: #000000;
/*float: left;*/
width: 700px;/*whatever is needed*/....................
I used the method in my last sentence in my post above:-
.border4 { width: 400px; border-right: 1px solid red; padding-right: 15px; background-color: #eee; }
.border4a { width: 400px; border-right: 1px solid green; background-color: #ccc; }
HTML markup:-
The text is inside a p tag which is inside a div and both have a single right border.
It creates a dark gray p tag with a green right border, a space of 15px which has the light gray background-color and a red right border.
I don't know how it will work when added to your code, but it does produce two 1px right borders separated by a 15px space when used in isolation.
Edit: I used 15px for the space to make it obvious, edit the padding-right to 5px if you want a 5px space.
In your case it's simple because #wrap, #col1 and #col2 all have the same background image back.jpg or white; just add a clearer div before the closing tag for #wrap:-
Edit: I found that the above worked in Firefox but IE7 was affected by the height of the contact form so close to the bottom of #col2 so I added padding-bottom: 15px to the #col1:-
#col1 {
background:url(images/back.jpg) repeat-x top left
#fff; padding-bottom: 15px;
width: 546px;
One of the solutions below would be better, but more complicated.
If the columns had different backgrounds which you wanted flexible in height, but equal, there are two main methods - putting position: absolute divs behind the col divs - or using a different order for the divs so that the one with the least content has the other nested inside and then its content following the nested div so that the column background is dragged down by the larger content of the nested div.
See items 16, 17 and 19 here http://www.wickham43.net/firefoxbackground.php item (item 18 has to have a fixed width for its image background which has fixed width column colors).
It didn't happen for me in Firefox.
I used the validator http://validator.w3.org/ which found three errors, not related to your problem; using
there is no attribute "runat" I haven't seen this attribute before.Also two errors re scripts which sould probably be:-
I've just tried this style:-
.border3 { border-right: 7px double red; }
with this markup:-
The text is inside a div with class="border3"
has a double border.
I tried it with 5px, 7px, and 15px. I noticed that the width of the borders seems to be related to the space, so at 15px it seemed that the two borders and the space were all 5px wide, at 5px the borders seemed to be about 1px but at 7px in IE7 the outer border was slightly thicker than the inner border although Firefox seemed top show a wider space inside 1px borders.
For a certain solution, place one div with a single border inside another div with a single border and a space between them created by margins.
I think it has to be a CMS.
That will enable each customer to have its own username and password and be able to edit the header, logo, contact details and delete the items they don't want to sell.
Look at Joomla or Drupal or a very much simpler CMS snippetedit http://www.snippetedit.com/ which is adequate for simple text and image edits, but doesn't have the power or features of a professional CMS.
A CMS should protect the coding structure and only allow the customer to edit "safe" content.
I don't think anyone on this forum will be able to test IE 5.5 now but IE6 is still worth checking as it still has about 25% of browser use.
Generally, make your site suit Firefox which will usually be OK for Opera and Safari and in most cases IE7 and IE8 but if IE6 is bad, use a conditional comment like:-
The above comment should be placed in the head section of every page AFTER the main stylesheet links. lt IE 7 means less than IE7 so it would cover IE5, IE5.5 and IE6.
You have lots of stylesheets and I haven't got time to check them all; do you really need so many? There may be a conflict between them.
IE6 problems can be varied, but often relate to widths or side margins. Find out what works in IE6 and put the revised styles in the conditional comment.
The validator http://validator.w3.org/ shows 27 errors, you can't do much about the embed tag except avoid using it. "Alt not specified" means put alt="image description" inside an img tag.
You have several opening and ending tag mismatches in yout table cells and divs which may be affecting IE6 so sort them out.
An id="tanad" tag has been used more than once - use a class if used more than once.
So as I understand it, utf-8 works for all characters, why people use the ISO stuff?
I switched from ISO-8859-1 to utf-8 because it's supposed to be "better" but you have to be more careful with utf-8.
& and ? and $ and other characters need the code equivalent like & amp; (no space after & or it affects display in this post) or they raise a validation error.
the buttons appear on the proper place horizontally, but each of them occupies an own line, if that explanation is more or less understandable.
That's the key!
Add this to the css:-
ul#navlist li { float: left; }
I've tested it.
Edit: Firefox was OK with your code but IE7 put each item on a separate line, but spaced out as if they were horizontal. We've met that problem before. Display: inline is not enough.
72 hours is the usual limit, but it is a weekend, so perhaps wait a day more, then open the account at the domain name provider to check the DNS settings, if OK and there's still a problem, contact the domain name provider and the hosting service to check.
You shouldn't use a p tag and a h tag for the same text, one or the other.
Your code is a bit brief, there are other codes you should add as a minimum:-
br /> "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> Essex Warhounds Welcome to our club web site This is a paragraph This is not an important paragraph
For code as simple as the above, Safari on a Mac should be the same as IE on Windows.
If you mean that it shows as the above code in Safari instead of a page without the tags, it possible that your page has been saved as page.html.txt because .txt has been added in the saving process and so it opens in Notepad instead of in Safari. Delete the .txt extension so that the filename only has .html extension and double click the filename to view the finished page in Safari or right-click "Open with" Notepad to edit in Notepad. edit: double-click and right-click is what we do in Windows, perhaps Macs are different in which case open safari and use a menu there to view, or open Notepad and use the file/open menu there for editing.
I've just found this on a microsoft forum:-
I use the following meta header so IE8 will emulate IE7:
This worked fine in IE8 Beta 2, but it stopped working in IE8 RC1.
Has anyone else noticed this?
No one has replied to the post yet. The following link is so long, I'm not sure that it will work!
Edit: There's another post with several answers which imply that the emulation code is working in IE8 RC1 but the situation with the latest IE8 RTM is still unanswered.
I haven't downloaded IE8 yet but I remember there was some kind of meta tag that you can insert into your web page to tell IE8 to render IE7. Is this still the case? If so, I am going to slap in that meta tag on all the sites I have done because of the problems with IE8.
It's this:-
You must put it immediately after the
tag, lower down the head section it may not work, especially if after css links.I needed it for IE8 beta 2 because that was so bad, but I found that IE8 RC1 was OK so I removed it from some of my pages, so I probably can't check now because the pages are OK in IE8.
However, there's no harm in putting it in, browsers, even IE8, will just ignore it if they don't understand it. I read a post which said it was likely to be just a temporary code and not operating in the final version, but that may have been just a rumour.
The compatibility mode is still there for the viewer to use, but I agree it's better to code the emulation into the web page so that viewers don't get a jumbled page first.
Internet Explorer IE8 RTM is available here:-
It's better than IE7 but there are still lots of problems.
There are occasions when an ISP sends double messages - mine has done it several times - when they have a fault with their email system.
you can't make a link with just a div
You can, see the lower empty div with the border in item 3b here:-
I used a background-color for an empty div that changes on hover and I expect background-images could be used instead. The empty div example works in IE6 provided it has a width (and a height if necessary).
Edit: on second reading of Ben's solution, I think it's almost exactly the same as mine, including a way to help screen readers by having link text placed off-screen so that it doesn't show over the background-images.
#leftnav li a#our-classes {
#leftnav li a#our-classes:hover {
Check that IE6 operates this as the hover isn't directly on the "a" tag, or is it? (Edit: it does work in IE6).
I would put a class on the individual li tag which I think is safer for IE6:-
.our-classes a {
.our-classes a:hover {
Using a span tag works in modern browsers but does not work in IE6:-
.our-classes2 { color:red; }
.our-classes2:hover { color:#87277b; }
If she has the same url, the same meta tags for content and description, the same title and the same content, the coding should not make any difference.
It may even increase the ranking slightly as search engines take into account how often the site is updated, so if it hasn't been updated for months they may move it up a little.
If it's placed on a page with normal image code, themn I don't think there is any way to prevent someone downloading it. If they don't use the right click, then they can look at the source code for the url and download it that way.
I think including it in a Flash file is a possible way to protect it, but you will have to learn to code Flash. See this about Flash:-
See my reply on the other website.
Yes, you need to upload them to your server, and then update the SRC of the image to point to the image on the server, rather than the local image on your computer.
In other words, don't use a url for the images which begins C:\
A simple code like
works if the image is in the same folder on your PC and is uploaded to the same directory as the html file on the server.
You can use an absolute url like
instead which should work locally on your PC and online but involves the server in more work.
Trouble with a stubborn horizontal scrollbar...
in CSS
If you want to avoid a horizontal scrollbar at all resolutions you need to use width: 100%; for the container, then use float: left for the logo and float: right for content to stick to the right, then width: 100% for the footer:-
CSS (simplified):-
#page { width: 100%; }
#header { float: left; }
#right-container { float: right; }
#footer { width: 100%; clear: both; }
HTML markup:
You will find that at small screen resolutions the right div may move down if there is not enough width next to the left header, so if you make the right-container and all divs inside have no width they will just get squeezed to a very small width, or if you give right-container a width, make sure that the total width of both divs is less than 770px so that at least it works in 800*600 reslolutions.