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Everything posted by newseed

  1. I am only assuming here because you didn't give us much to go on but I think you are wanting a blog tool that you can host on your own domain. If so, you can simply add Wordpress to your existing site. Just create a folder in the root called /blog/ and then updload the Wordpress files there. Follow their simple installation guide. Thereafter, you can apply your design to the Wordpress header/footer.
  2. You don't have to have WAMP to design a Wordpress template. You can simple upload it to a host server (your domain) and work on it there. Otherwise, simply download the WAMP from the link you've provided and install it to your computer. Typically, I would build the template purely HTML/CSS. Once you've perfected it then you can implement/extract the php functions from Wordpress' default theme to your design and test. Once you get that far then you can modify whatever php functions to suit your need. A regular here (Susie) has far more knowleged in this area and could provide some additional info on how to make a fully functional Wordpress template. You can also go to Worpress site and find a indepth tutorial on building templates from scratch.
  3. Dreamsparks is something MS rolled out a few years ago to allow people download free MS software in exchange that you save and host all your website creation with them. I tried this back then and I really didn't like being restricted but for a guy like you who is only learning this stuff is ideal. So Andrea is right, when you get the EW4 download, you install it onto your computer. I do recall that you have to burn the downloaded file from Dreamsparks to a cd and then run the cd to install the program. I believe it's a 3 year commitment with Dreamsparks.
  4. I do not think <nav> is supported by IE. Use <div> instead.
  5. Ah...ok...I would focus on the area where the menu code is generated and start there. You may have some logic that is invertantly adding a second <li>. It's possible that you have an unordered list tag in both the menu php code function and in the template which would explain the extra <li> tags.
  6. @Graphic Design: When you copy and paste content/quote from another source be sure to wrap quotes around it to indicate that you are quoting someone elses writing like this:
  7. If that template, in it's original form, works then you need to figure out why it doesn't work after your edits. Many questions that you need to consider: 1. Did you edit any of the template's files? If so, double check those edits. 2. Did you add any plugins? Not all plugins are 100% compatible to all templates. 3. Determine if the cufon script has everything it needs for IE. The template creator may have coded it without IE in mind for various reasons. Just google Cufon Script and look for IE support. Do you have a demo link of where you got the template?
  8. I would also suggest uploading the original template (before changes) and see if you have the same problem.
  9. The nav unordered list is a mess. <div class="menu"><ul><li class="page_item page-item-6"><a href="http://petgroomingsystem.com/?page_id=6" title="Demo"><li>Demo</li></a></li><li class="page_item page-item-8"><a href="http://petgroomingsystem.com/?page_id=8" title="Purchase"><li>Purchase</li></a></li><li class="page_item page-item-10"><a href="http://petgroomingsystem.com/?page_id=10" title="Features"><li>Features</li></a></li><li class="page_item page-item-12"><a href="http://petgroomingsystem.com/?page_id=12" title="F.A.Q."><li>F.A.Q.</li></a></li><li class="page_item page-item-14"><a href="http://petgroomingsystem.com/?page_id=14" title="Contact Us"><li>Contact Us</li></a></li></ul></div> [/code] You will see that there is a list within a list but only one open/close <ul> </ul> tags. This particular template is coded for HTML5 and IE just does not support it very well but I am unsure why the unusual unordered list format. Maybe there is some script that is not enabled to make IE behave correctly?
  10. @Ben: Thanks. This looks like the best solution to accomodate all broswers on various different platforms. @LSW. I agree. Ben's suggestion is perfect. It's just too bad that most videos are not provided by the client in mulitple formats.
  11. I googled this but I am having not much success in the results. I have a client that want's to display all his videos from his own site. They want to avoid a couple of things. 1. Flash. They just simply don't want flash. No reason given. Probably because they are high-tech and have a good number of mobile phone users. 2. Third-party video source such as YouTube. They don't want to have any appearance of a third-party logo, content or whatever that is unrelated to their video. They want to have their video in a format that will be compatible across ALL broswers including way back to IE6 on up to the latest browsers that uses HTML5. So my question is, which format is preffered or is there a third-party pay service that will not add any copyright to their software? Thanks.
  12. If you really want to protect your work then don't put on the site at all. Otherwise, just add a watermark indicating the copyright. As Andrea said, don't mess with my broswer's function. However, if you must then Google 'disable right-click script'.
  13. I like to add to LSW list... Security...security...security. Unless you are proficient in this area and don't mind the challenge of users trying to hack you, your best bet is to pay for a hosting account instead.
  14. Check out this article that provides a list of 9 choices.
  15. No one ecommerce software are perfect but I would find one that is going to offer superb features for both you and the client. 1. Loads of quality features 2. Payment gateways feature 3. Security...how well is the software supported and updated? 4. Customization 5. Mods or addons 6. Support...commercial support or forum support? How good is the support? This is just a short list but it's a start.
  16. Yes they are. Actually, you can use <!DOCTYPE html> now regardless if you use HTML 5 or not. All the other stuff are not required to render a page correctly. You don't even need the validation code because W3.org has it where you can select which doctype to use to validate your site.
  17. You don't have to use the same host but if you are going to be the go-to-guy for all their needs then it would be a good idea to have them use the same web host provider allowing you to be familiar and proficient with one control panel format because not all hosting companies lay out the panel that same way and some may have more or less features. Ideally, you can get rent one of their dedicated servers where you can manage all the hosting for each of your clients. That way you reap the benefits of having all your clients' sites under one roof plus you keep a little profit for yourself. However, to make it worth your while you will probably need 6-12 hosted sites depending what you would charge for hosting. Typcially, depending on the size of each site you host, you could host about 30-60 clients.
  18. Well if your background-image url path is correct in your css file then it should be located here: /wp-content/themes/mytheme/desert.jpeg Check in your ftp to see if it's there. If not then that's your problem.
  19. The domain you prefer will require registering a domain for each (i.e. store1.com is one; store2.com is two; etc.) No matter which method you use to display our domains/subdomains/folders you can connect all those sites to the same database that stores the user id and password so that no matter what site you are on you should be able to login in for each one with only one account registration.
  20. You most certainly can run as many sites on the same database as you want including the social component. Some will use subdomains for each store location. Others use subfolders.
  21. I don't believe host provider will allow you to use subdomains as part of your email address. It has to be the root domain. However, I would ask your host provider about this.
  22. Latest projects I have done:




  23. Latest projects I have done:




  24. It's pretty nice even though I am not a big fan of horizontal paging. One thing I would suggest is give the gray text (Nosotros page) a bit more brightness. Maybe #999 color. As for validation, Just about all of it can be fixed. Most of them are missing alt="" tags. Some are frameborder="no"...it should be either 1 or 0. In this case 0. The script tags did not validate because it's missing type="text/javascript". <script type="text/javascript">
  25. First thing, you need to add a Doctype to the very top of your pages otherwise it will render in quirks mode and it will vary differently visually accross different browsers. Secondly, you are not using any css stylesheet. This practice is probably the worst thing you can do because updating it will take more time and will be harder to maintain consistancy. I would steer away from Microsoft Themes via FrontPage editor because it is outdated. So to answer about the not wanting to repeat the second reel is to apply background-repeat: no-repeat; to the body tag like this: <body topmargin="6" bgcolor="#99FFCC" background="film_reel2.jpg" style="background-repeat: no-repeat;"> Of course naturally I would apply this to my css stylesheet but I don't think you are aware of this knowledge. You might check out some of Stef's videos on how to develop a simple website using HTML and CSS.
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