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Everything posted by PicnicTutorials

  1. ie6 user base is low but it is still twice as high as apple iOS. So if you look at in terms like that yes I still code for ie6. I do not use CC's I instead just use *html or *+html for ie7. Which ever thingy moduger I use must work in all because ie accounts for 60% of the web. Of course little things that don't matter a little css3 I'll use.
  2. Hello, Here are your two best options. If css3 use http://css3pie.com/. If images you use 3 images 4 dives. Images are top, mid, bot.jpg. Top div holds top.jpg, mid holds mid.jpg with repeat-y, and bot div holds bot.jpg and nested in the the middle is content div which holds the padding. This is a fixed width rounded corner that will extend length wise as much as needed. If you need a flexible width box then you need about 8 images/divs.
  3. The fact that ie9 cannot work on an XP was the deciding factor to not use css3 for me. Ie6 - 8 will be around untill XP dies and that is prob 20 years off. If it was only untill all upgraded to ie9 I would have gone css3 for my rounded corners. But I went images.
  4. Thanks guys I appreciate the kind words.
  5. Ok! Ten years later I'm finally done CSSing all the main pages. http://tinyurl.com/6gnvjq3 There is still quite a lot of other pages still to go (tour, other folders, etc). But this was a good chunck.
  6. http://blog.mozilla.com/blog/2011/03/22/mozilla-launches-firefox-4-and-delivers-a-fast-sleek-and-customizable-browsing-experience-to-more-than-400-million-users-worldwide-2/
  7. Ok that worked. I almost had to ask another but I figured it out. I was having a dickens of a time trying to add a border and a drop shadow to that transparent layer.
  8. Awesome! Thank you very much Ben. If I can't get it from that then I have no business even opening up PS.
  9. Coolew. Thanks for trying but unfortunately that second attempt was not much closer. Still has a white background and the borders stop at the corners. No worries I'll just AP an image over as soon as I can figure out how.
  10. That's right. Or any other way you can think of how to round that flash. I can also just AP some corners too. But one image would be easier. Unfortunately I only have photoshop. Im quite sure there is a easy way to do it. I'm just slow.
  11. Ben you could use this web based screencast software. The video is stored on their servers and you just share the link. http://screencastle.com/ or any of these http://www.slimmity.com/2010/02/web-based-screencasting-apps/
  12. Man I hate to drag out this simple question but. So when I right click on the name in the layer palet and select delete layer it deletes the layer from the layer palet but the selected rectangle remaines but now in the original layer. I must be missing something - usually am.
  13. God I'm retarded. How do I delete the rounded rectangle layer?
  14. Thanks a lot for your effort coolew. I'll throw it up tommorrow morn and see how it plays. Thanks!
  15. Ok thanks Ben I will give that a go tommorrow morn. I havn't used PS in a long time and have forgotten most of what I new. Now I'm a monkey hitting random keys again. Still at this CSS makeover I'm doing. Now I know why I put it off for so many years. At two hours each morning, this is probably going to take me another two months at least.
  16. Hello, so I tested the swf you sent. Thank you! But it has a white background, no borders, and it shows a loading bar initially. If you could add that stuff that would work. The rounded corners should be around 5px.
  17. Thanks Ben. However I cant find a circle select tool? I was attempting to do this with the rounded rectangle tool. Are you talking about the elliptical marque tool?
  18. Thanks man! I'll check it out. eric@visibilityinherit.com

  19. I'll gladly do it. eric@visibilityinherit.com

  20. Hello, I need to round the corners of the flash pics/slides at the very top of this page. http://goo.gl/ZVt2U I believe to do this I need to use an image on the span nested in #intro span {yada}. #intro div surrounding the flash has fixed width/height of 600 width 139 height (same as the flash). So how do I make this image with a transparent center and ONLY corners? Thanks!
  21. Looks perfect on my iPhone. Whenever I encounter a made for mobile site I immediately change it to the full site. I wouldn't bother. All these newer phones and tablets don't need a dumbed down site. They work better than my XP.
  22. Yes your right Eddie. Thank you. I came to that conclusion also. Amazing I missed that originally. Now I'm working on keeping it in the include but calling the separate links. Might want to save this snippet for later... http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/php-34/different-linked-files-same-php-include-743592.html#post4836875
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