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Everything posted by Susie

  1. I was going to suggest the same thing. IE may see the first background:#fff; and think that's the rule while ignoring the next line. Maybe putting it all on one line will fix it.
  2. I'm stumped. My client's Wordpress website was sending messages through the contact form to her hotmail address just fine until I upgraded her to the latest version. Now the form won't send to her hotmail account. It works fine with other email addresses - just not hotmail. Where would you start to fix this? ETA: This is the form we're using: http://www.dagondesign.com/articles/secure-form-mailer-plugin-for-wordpress/.
  3. Susie

    Help me decide

    Ben, correct me if I'm wrong, but do you have to pay to view logos on logolounge.com? I don't see a way around that. Well, the logo design company I'm using sent me some more concepts and I don't like any of them. lol Ugh.
  4. Susie

    Help me decide

    Thanks, guys. I actually am starting to really dislike this one and all the variations. I think I don't want an AC for the icon. They came up with that - I didn't suggest it. I'm looking through logopond.com right now for some inspiration. I just don't love the way this one is going.....
  5. Susie

    Help me decide

    Okay, I have a couple more to show you which are based on #1 (http://tinyurl.com/c5uhdh). #3 - http://tinyurl.com/dzlme9 #4 - http://tinyurl.com/dhezfk The main difference between 3 & 4 are the fonts. I'm not sure. What do you guys think? You're allowed to say you hate it.
  6. Susie

    Help me decide

    Thanks for your input, everyone. I agree that the 1st one seems a little distant/cold, but for some reason, I really like the general idea of how it looks. Maybe I'll ask for some more color and flair on that one - incorporate some of the colors from the 2nd one. I'll let you know what I come up with!
  7. I'm having a new logo designed for my website (going to redesign soon - yes AGAIN) and I can't decide which one of these concepts to go with. I have unlimited revisions on whichever one I choose, so if you have a favorite and suggestions on how to make it better (color, fonts, etc), I'd love to hear your thoughts! #1 - http://tinyurl.com/c5uhdh #2 - http://tinyurl.com/cycwlg TIA!
  8. Susie

    Text color?

    Yes, to specify exact colors, you can use the hex number. It would look like this: body { color: #000000; } #000000 = black Also, when you have 6 digits that are the same, you can use just the first 3 in the code. #000 is the same as #000000.
  9. If it's Wordpress being used, make sure to add the code in the HTML view rather than the Visual view.
  10. You don't really need the login link. You can access the login this way: www.yoursite.com/wp-login.php . Alternatively, you can insert the login link in the footer yourself. http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags/wp_loginout
  11. Sure, they're right here: http://www.killersites.com/mvnforum/mvnforum/index .
  12. I did not put it together, but I saw you on your website.
  13. Susie

    Weird Issue in FF

    So weird! When I try to view the Image Information with the Dev. Toolbar on the first link, 4 of them are missing. This couldn't be a path issue, could it? :/
  14. I've been asked by my kids' school to consider taking over the school newspaper next year. I would be responsible for designing the layout (among other things). But you know what? I have no idea how to design for print. I see some gorgeous looking PDFs out there, but I don't know how people make them. I would have no idea how to do it unless I were to create it in Photoshop, but I don't think there's a way to convert a PSD to a text PDF is there? I know about InDesign, but if there's a more affordable alternative, I'm all ears.
  15. I was wondering where you've been, Stef. Can you post some of the links that have been updated? I have seen Killersites.com and Killerphp.com and think they look nice. I don't think they are too commercial at all.
  16. Oh my gosh, that's hilarious! The code is crazy, too! haha
  17. Can you post a link so we can check it out?
  18. LOL I feel like it's been that long that I've been working on this site! Seriously, I started it last year but many delays have held things up. Thanks again!
  19. That did it! Thanks a bunch!!
  20. Okay, I'll give that a try right now. Thanks!
  21. Here I go again with a js conflict. Can anyone see how to fix this? http://tinyurl.com/c6gn7q This is very much still a work in progress. I'm working on all the positioning and styling for that featured box. It's using the Coda slider jquery tool. For now, I need to figure out this js conflict. Help? TIA!
  22. Thanks. I feel so dumb. lol This is it: #leftnav li#our-classes a{ color:#fff; } ETA: Which I had last night, but I was missing the a. :/
  23. Actually, I just found out the above DOES work in IE 7 (haven't checked 6 yet), but does NOT work in Fx, Opera, or Safari. How weird! I'm sure it'll be easier if you can see the actual page. I'm just testing on "Our Classes" only right now. It won't actually be white when all is said and done. http://tinyurl.com/decll9
  24. Thanks, guys. This is so bizarre. I should be able to do this! 7: Our Classes #our-classes a{ color:#fff; } And still nothing.
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