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Everything posted by Susie

  1. Okay, I don't see signatures........ :/
  2. I just wanted to mention that in Firefox 3.5.7, there are no styles associated with the page at all. Weird - I could see it in IE, but not in Fx.
  3. Thanks, lm. I have not tried that, but I will. Thanks for the link, too. :cool:
  4. I like Host Gator and InMotion Hosting.
  5. Okay, let's say I have a circle and I want to draw dashes all around the inside edge of that circle. How can I do this? I can't figure out how to make them go on a curve....
  6. The thing is, if your visitor wants to open a page and stay there so they can read and come back to it without having to keep their mouse over the nav item, they may get frustrated. I think it would be far better to have each link open a new page within the site so people can come and go as they please. For example, http://www.iconeden.com/contact/about . You don't have to keep your mouse over the links to view the content.
  7. I'll take a look at this soon (just returned from picking up my kids from school), but I'm just curious.... For the side menu, would you be interested in something like this? http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listamatic/vertical08.htm'>http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listamatic/vertical08.htm There are several samples on that site: http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listamatic/ . The reason I ask is that the menu you linked seems to be a bit more than needed. I think it would be better to have people click a link and be taken to a new page in your site. Just my opinion.
  8. If you post the code (or better yet, a link to a live demo), I'd be happy to take a look.
  9. I always write it ul#menu. And you don't need to use menu-horizontal. That was just an example. It could be anything. Maybe the horizontal one could be menu-top and the vertical one could be menu-left.
  10. Yes, it's possible. You would just need to add an id or class to each menu so that they can be styled separately. For example.... Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 and Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 And your CSS would look something like this.... ul#horizontal-menu { } ul#horizontal-menu li { } ul#vertical-menu { } ul#vertical-menu li { } and so on. Does that make sense?
  11. Since your left and right columns are floating, you need to add clear:both to your footer and it will show up where you want it.
  12. Write and Manage are from the older versions of WordPress. To create a new page, just go to Pages > Add New. Name it whatever you want the page to be called where your form will be. And yes, step 6 is basically telling you to create a regular page. Let's say you name your new page "contact". The URL you'll need to add in step 7 is yoursite.com/contact. For step 8, just go to Pages > Edit > and then click on the name of the page where you're putting your contact form.
  13. I've used FTP for most of my plugins. Only recently have I used the dashboard to install plugins. You shouldn't need to change the permissions on the folder. Which host are you using? I replied to your email. If you send me the info I requested, I can install this for you.
  14. What program are you using to unzip the package? This is what I have: wp-gbcf_zip - wp-gbcf --wp-gbcf_themes --index.php --wp-gbcf_focus.js --wp-gbcf_form.php --wp-gbcf_help.php - wp-gbcf_readme I uploaded the wp-gbcf folder which contains all those individual files.
  15. I just had a thought.... are you uploading a folder called wp-gbcf or wp-gbcf_zip? It should be just plain wp-gbcf and it's found inside the wp-gbcf_zip folder.
  16. I can take a look if you'd like. Just send me a PM or email (info at auxanocreative dot com) with your login info.
  17. Okay, I just installed this plugin on my website and it's working fine. You had linked to this page: http://green-beast.com/gbcf-v3/ . If you are trying to install that one, it won't work because it's not the WordPress version. What you actually need for WordPress is this one: http://green-beast.com/blog/?page_id=136 . Give that a try and if it doesn't work, let me know. I can help you with it.
  18. I forgot to mention that you could check here for help, too... http://www.wpquestions.com/
  19. What's the link for your request on their forums? Looks like you can get support from the author here: http://green-beast.com/blog/?p=346 . If needed, are you open to using a different contact form plugin? I can recommend some good ones. Edit to add: I saw this on the author's support page: Support Update: Header not recognized with the WordPress version 2.0WP plugin? Did you unzip the zip file first? If not, do that then upload the wp-gbcf folder into your plugins directory.
  20. I just sent 2 test messages and they both went through without a problem.
  21. I'm not totally sure, but I'm thinking the plugin hasn't been updated for the latest version of WordPress. Have you checked in the WP forums?
  22. Which plugin is it? What version of WordPress are you running?
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