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Everything posted by Susie

  1. I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think you can do this easily. Do you happen to have this online so I could take a look at the live code? It looks to me like the left sidebar isn't a sidebar at all. It has a different background image (which is actually connected to the white content bg image) to make it look separate, but it's all part of the #left_col div. Plus, the info in the left column is valuable (at least on the blog portion) because it gives the post date, category, comment count, etc. I'm not sure if it will make a difference, but on a Page (instead of a blog page), can you select a different template? To get rid of the left "sidebar", you'll have to do some recoding to move the post metadata and then some redesigning of the background image (not to mention refiguring the CSS).
  2. What is on your home page? If it's the blog, can you please post your index.php code?
  3. I just wanted to mention that working with Godaddy as a host isn't my favorite. If you choose them, make sure you choose Linux instead of Windows if you want to work with WordPress or other similar programs. Also, I don't like the fact that when you create a database, you have to wait (sometimes hours) for them to actually approve it (or whatever it is they do). Frustrating when I'm working on a client's site and on a schedule.... Just my 2 cents. :cool:
  4. I third the Host Gator recommendation. I've been using them for a couple of years and have only had 1 or 2 times when my site was down...and that was only for minutes, not hours.
  5. I'm on there (@auxanocreative) and I just mostly read. I follow lots of web design and WordPress people to stay up on the latest.
  6. No, my portfolio is just a regular WordPress page.
  7. I don't think I understand exactly what you're looking for. To see what this plugin can do, visit my sitemap (page 2) to see the blog posts listed per category: http://tinyurl.com/yku7x34 . To add the archive to your sidebar, you should be able to just drag and drop the appropriate widget in Appearance > Widgets.
  8. I'm using the Dagon Design Sitemap Generator on my own website. It works well and you can configure it to show only posts in their categories if you want. http://www.dagondesign.com/articles/sitemap-generator-plugin-for-wordpress/
  9. Are you trying to create an archive page? Meaning, a separate page in your website that lists your archive? If so, you'll need to add the following to the very top of your archives.php file. /* Template Name: Archives */ ?>
  10. What code is in your archives.php file now?
  11. Thanks
  12. Nevermind.
  13. Or you may need to clear your cache.
  14. I'm using CS3 and it has always happened as far as I can remember. Thanks for your help, everyone. Clicking on Styles and then none fixes it for me. So, the new objects will still have the styles applied, but at least now I know how to get rid of it instead of just having to turn off the visibility. Cool! :cool:
  15. Yeah, I do know about the menu on the right, but it's not there when I draw boxes. I just tested it again (after having closed Photoshop for dinner time) and it is still happening. :/
  16. Yes, I sure have. It's so weird (and annoying). Just now, I drew a content box and added a faint outline to it. Then I drew a new box inside to represent where a photo will be displayed and the outline was there automatically. :/
  17. Okay, this is driving me a little crazy and I can't figure out how to stop it. If I add some sort of effect onto an object (drop shadow, color, whatever...), it gets automatically applied to the next object I create. Is there a way to make that stop?
  18. I don't have the answer, but I wanted to let you know that I can see the header, navigation, current conditions, two day forecast, and the footer.
  19. Thanks, guys. I am going to come up with a plan and then will let my clients know things are changing! :cool:
  20. Thanks, guys. einsteinsboi, I'm curious to know more about your ticket system. Is it powered by something like this? http://www.whmcs.com/
  21. I have several clients who lately need small edits and updates for their sites. I've developed their sites in WordPress or CMS Made Simple and I've trained them on how to manage the site, but they still want me to do it. It is basically because they don't feel confident that they can do it themselves without messing up the site. It's more than changing a word here or there, but they're still simple edits. I can usually do them in 5 minutes or less. On the rare occasion, it might take me 15-30 minutes. My question is this....do you guys charge for the edits that only take 5 minutes or so? When my client emails me asking for advice, they're not asking me to do it for them, but I offer because I know it will only take a few mins. But now the situation I'm in is that I'm spending 1/2 my day on these things when I should be working on other stuff. I'm getting a little frustrated. I can't see myself replying to one of these emails, "Sure, I can help you. I'll send an invoice for 5 minutes worth of time." lol So, how do you guys handle this? (Typing this out, I think I know the answer, but I'm still curious to hear your thoughts)
  22. Thanks, Eddie.
  23. A client has sent a .mdi file that I cannot open. Googling shows that it can only be opened by some Microsoft Office Document Imaging software. I will ask for a different format if nobody here can help, but I thought I'd check.
  24. This is in your default.css file: You would just add the url to the background image to the background: #000000 line. I'm not seeing the CSS you posted for the body in the default.css file....
  25. I'm not sure, but I just clicked the download button and got this: http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.min.js Just save that to a file and you should be good to go. Edit to add: I just realized your snippet is what is on the page I linked. This just means you copy what's on the page and make a new file on your computer and call it jquery-1.4.min.js .
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