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Everything posted by falkencreative

  1. It's literally exactly the same, besides the fact that they replaced my content with theirs. I wouldn't mind so much if it was "inspired" by my design, but they simply copied and pasted. Basically, the only thing they weren't able to copy was the contact form, and some of the dynamic elements that relied on PHP.
  2. Well, that was fast. Apparently having your site on a couple CSS galleries increases the changes that someone will simply copy and paste your code... Looks like someone literally downloaded my whole site and just added their own content. I'm equal parts frustrated and honored... Mostly annoyed though, since that was a huge amount of work. My site: http://www.falkencreative.com Their site: http://www.smahuservices.sk/ Anyone had this "honor" before? How did you handle it? I've sent a very nice but firm email, but I don't know if they even understand English and I don't want to risk using an automatic translation like Babelfish.
  3. If you are using an editor that does syntax highlighting, it really helps. When I pasted your code into my editor, the syntax highlighting changed and it was pretty easy to find your error. What are you using to edit your code?
  4. Looks like you have an extra character in your #contentRight declaration: text-align:justify;' remove the extra single quote from the end of that, and test your page. My guess is that IE stopped reading your CSS after it hit that error, while Firefox ignored it and applied the rest of your styles.
  5. I can understand wanting to add footer text inside the main 940px area (what is currently the center div) but I really can't see why you'd want to add text to the far left/right. If a user is using a smaller screen size (1024x768, for example), text outside your main content area will force additional scrolling. That's why I was asking about what sort of content you intended to put in that area.
  6. I was under the impression that I tested that... I'll have to double check.
  7. The Business of Web Design section on this forum might be helpful as well: http://www.killersites.com/forums/forum/6/business-of-web-design/ A couple client questionnaires: -- http://www.duoh.com/contact (look for the questionaire just above the contact form) -- http://www.pixeltreedesign.com/contact.html (same as above) -- http://proccy.com/web-quote-form.html -- http://outlawdesignblog.com/2008/free-resource-pre-design-questionnaire/
  8. OK, try this instead: I moved the right div up in the code, so there is no longer any need for the position: relative and changing of the top value. Also, I added text-align:center to the wrapper div, to compensate for the margin: 0 auto; It worked for me in Firefox and IE, though I didn't actually plug it into your website, so you'll need to check that. left right center
  9. What content are you trying to place in these divs? Perhaps it would make more sense to know that, in case the code could be adjusted to make things simpler.
  10. I may be understanding you wrong... but here is what I did to adjust things: -- Middle div: -- removed "float: left" -- changed "min-width" to "width" -- right div: -- added "position:relative" and "top: -175px;" to move it into position This has only been tested on Firefox, so I'd suggest making the changes and then coming back here if you are still having issues on other browsers.
  11. Seems like it's mostly the technical side, though as some people said, there are some things you could do in your design to make it more consistent and usable. Realistically, if you are new at this, you can't be expected to be perfect at everything the first time around. You'll pick up a lot of the technical details as you gain experience in the field... just try to learn something new with every website you design, take a look at other people's designs as examples (take a look at CSS galleries for good examples, like cssmania.com or webcreme.com) and be active online, reading forums or blogs. And, of course, when you are given criticism, try to apply it and ask questions when you need to understand the criticism better, since it will help the sites you work on.
  12. Great -- glad to hear you got things working. =)
  13. double check that the "r" in "root" is lowercase, since that may matter. Have you changed the MySQL password, or are you using the default?
  14. No worries. Thought you were doing it purposely, that's all.
  15. In that case, it sounds like you are simply using the wrong mysql username/password. The default username is "root" and there is no default password (""). If you have changed the username/password within MySQL, you would use that instead. As a side note, can you stop randomly capitalizing parts of words? It makes it much harder to read what you are writing and it's annoying. :/
  16. With that error, it doesn't seem that it is a username/password issue. Are you sure MySQL is running? If I turn MySQL off, I get that exact error when I try to connect. Can you access PHPMyAdmin? If MySQL is turned off, you should get an error when you try to open up the PHPMyAdmin page. Just to be clear, you don't connect PHP to PHPMyAdmin, you connect it to MySQL. As I said above, PHPMyAdmin is simply a tool that makes it slightly more user friendly to edit and modify a MySQL database manually.
  17. PhpMyAdmin is simply a more user friendly way of accessing and modifying a MySQL database. As you say, it sounds like you either have your username or password wrong. You shouldn't need to touch "localhost" -- that should be fine. What is the entire error that you are getting?
  18. I'm guessing you are trying to make some sort of user authentication? You'd need to: -- open up phpMyAdmin -- create a new database, if you haven't made one already -- make sure the correct database is selected -- add a new table to the database (maybe call it "users"?), and select the correct number of fields (perhaps, to keep it simple, you'll want three fields -- a unique ID, a username, and a password) -- then, set up the table by giving each of the fields names and the proper types. -- If you do use three fields, "id" would have an "int" type, and should have the "auto_increment" property (a dropdown under "Extra"). "name" would be a varchar, perhaps with a length of 30, and "password" would be a varchar with a length of 32) -- once all of that has been done, add your data by selecting the correct table, and then the "insert" tab. Insert your data, and press "go"
  19. You may want to take a look at Woopra -- it sounds like it does what you are looking for. http://www.woopra.com/
  20. I should also mention... once you make that graphic change, modify the line where you set the background gradient: background:url('bg1.gif') 90% 50% repeat-x gray; to this: background:url('bg1.gif') 0 0 repeat-x gray; and then tweak to your liking. The old positioning 90% 50% will only work because your image had a big white border. Remove the border, and you'll have to adjust the positioning.
  21. If you look at your actual image... http://www.geocities.com/slanderizer1/bg1.gif You'll notice that it includes a large area of white around it. Remove that large white border -- the only bit you need is the gradient. That's (at least one) of the reasons you are having so much trouble, and definitely the reason why it won't repeat. Fix that, and then we can look at the problem again.
  22. It mostly comes down to practice, and being active online in forums or keeping busy with web related projects. It also depends on your learning style... some learn better using videos, some like books, etc. I tend to like seeing things visually, so I often view screencasts. If you are wanting to pick up some PHP, look at killerphp.com or phpvideotutorials.com. If you want to memorize this stuff (and are using Dreamweaver), I'd suggest switching to a text only editor that doesn't use dropdowns or shortcuts for coding (Notepad++ is a favorite of mine, depends on your preference). I originally started learning using Dreamweaver, but found that it was writing a lot of code for me and I really needed to memorize some of it. The constant repetition will help speed things up for you. Forming an online repository of coding notes/snippets helps too... I use Evernote to store little tricks and tips I learn, or links to useful articles I find online.
  23. css-tricks.com has some useful (free) videos on this... both on how to create a mockup in Photoshop and slice it up in preparation for coding, and also how to take a pre-existing mockup and convert it into a functioning website. http://css-tricks.com/video-screencasts/ (Look near the bottom of the page)
  24. Great. Glad to help. I'll keep this issue in mind in case others run into it. Most people don't usually change their username/password on their local install of MySQL since security is less of a problem than on a live server, but it may come in handy.
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