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Everything posted by falkencreative

  1. Tackling the first problem... I had to work with Composer recently for the PayPal course I did for KillerSites, and while it was fiddly at first, didn't really have any problems. Most modern frameworks do seem to require Composer, so I'd definitely try to get that to work. I'm assuming you are running Windows? And following the instructions here: https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md#installation-windows ? If you are trying the Composer-Setup.exe, what specific errors are you running into? Have you tried doing a search to see if others are running into the same problems? Git knowledge is helpful, but not really required, as far as I know. If you are going to be doing a serious project (not just playing around with a framework), I'd definitely suggest using Git to keep track of changes. I'd take a look at https://try.github.io/levels/1/challenges/1 if you are interested in learning. GitHub (github.com) makes it a bit easier to work with Git, especially their tool, which means you don't need/have less need to use the command line. https://windows.github.com/
  2. I can't really comment a whole lot, since I haven't personally used AngularJS, and as far as I know, KillerSites doesn't offer any tutorials on it. This seems to be a pretty good overview: http://www.toptal.com/angular-js/a-step-by-step-guide-to-your-first-angularjs-app To get some intro knowledge, you might check out the free interactive Angular course that CodeSchool offers: https://www.codeschool.com/courses/shaping-up-with-angular-js. I've used CodeSchool in the past, and they consistently offer high quality content that is worth watching.
  3. I would highly advise against using two connections. I'm just saying that it's technically possible.
  4. At least for me personally, I'd suggest storing the file name of the image file in the database, rather than storing the file itself.
  5. The process of converting mysql to mysqli isn't complicated... but yes, you have to convert everything over. The only way you can have both MySQL and MySQLi going at the same time is if you have two separate connections.
  6. The Flex Slider does support fading pictures in and out -- it all depends on the options that you set.
  7. Something along the lines of this? (at least, in the sense that there are elements above the menu that are hidden once the menu becomes fixed) http://www.backslash.gr/content/blog/webdevelopment/6-navigation-menu-that-stays-on-top-with-jquery
  8. I don't have the database, so this is a little hard to test. What happens when you click the Edit button currently? Are you initially seeing the data, and you can edit it, and it's only after you submit that it enters it as a new record? One potential issue: it seems like in your PS_Manage_Appts.php file, you are creating the edit/delete buttons with "?id=" in the URL, but the code in the update_post.php file makes reference to a $_GET['groomingid']. I can't really tell if that is the issue, but your update_post file never accesses $_GET['id'] at all. If you are going to pass variables via the URL, you need to make sure you are both setting and getting the same variable name.
  9. So this error only shows up after you submit the form? Not when first view it? What does your <form> tag look like? Are you submitting the form to the same exact URL?
  10. OK. So if the $student_id value is "van", you need to change your database to make that student id a unique, numeric number. "van" isn't unique -- there could be other students with the name of "Van". So that's the next step -- you'd need to wipe your student_id column in the database, and set up up as a int, with auto_increment on, so that new rows will automatically contain a unique number (you'll need to update existing rows with unique numbers).
  11. OK, so I'm not seeing anything wrong with that file (at first glance, at least). When you view that page in your browser, what does a sample View link URL look like?
  12. Can you post the full file for whichever file has this code (or roughly this code -- I'm not sure if/how it's been changes since you last posted about it): $display_string .= "<td><a href='View_Profile.php?id=student_id'>View</a> </td>"; $display_string .= "<td><a href='Admin_Edit_Student_Info.php?id=student_id'>Update</a></td>"; $display_string .= "<td><a href='Admin_Delete_Student.php?id=student_id'>Delete</a></d>";
  13. Your code is expecting to find an id variable in the URL, but based on the error, that URL doesn't include that value.
  14. I'm not sure if I totally understand what you want... but have you tried adding position:relative to the table cell you want the tooltip to appear in, and then position:absolute to the tooltip itself? That will separate the tooltip from the document flow, but position it based on the parent element.
  15. An error related to a database query and a "non-object" usually means that the $Database object isn't being correctly created -- usually due to a incorrect username or password. If you are using MAMP on a Mac, the username is "root" and the password is empty. If you are using WAMP, the username is "root" and the password is "root". If you are using XAMPP, check the documentation for the correct login info. If you are running this on live web hosting, not on your computer, then talk to support about the correct username/password combination.
  16. If you're passing in "id" in the URL, you need to be retrieving "id", not "student_id". So: "$_REQUEST['id']". All that said, you can't be passing in a student's first name in the URL -- a first name could be shared between multiple students, so you can't be sure that you are editing the right student. Instead, you should be using a numeric id that is unique per student.
  17. Perhaps this might be helpful? http://www.sitepoint.com/apache-mod_rewrite-examples/
  18. You're using the variable, not defining it. Above these $display_string lines, you need to have a line that sets the $student_id to the correct value, whatever that ID should be.
  19. Overall, things look good. One thing to note: $display_string .= "<td><a href='View_Profile.php?id=student_id'>View</a> </td>"; $display_string .= "<td><a href='Admin_Edit_Student_Info.php?id=student_id'>Update</a></td>"; $display_string .= "<td><a href='Admin_Delete_Student.php?id=student_id'>Delete</a></td>"; In this section, you can't just use the string "student_id". That needs to be a variable that holds the ID. So instead, you need to be doing something like this (assuming you have a variable $student_id): $display_string .= "<td><a href='View_Profile.php?id=$student_id'>View</a> </td>"; $display_string .= "<td><a href='Admin_Edit_Student_Info.php?id=$student_id'>Update</a></td>"; $display_string .= "<td><a href='Admin_Delete_Student.php?id=$student_id'>Delete</a></td>"; Also, you probably want to make sure you are making sure to sanitize any data that you receive from the user/browser, just in case someone edits the URL and tries to make your application do unexpected behavior. If your student_id is numbers only, you might want to do $student_id = intval($_REQUEST['student_id']); to make sure it contains an int. Alternatively, if the student text contains numbers, you should at least be running it through $student_id = htmlentities($_REQUEST['student_id'], ENT_QUOTES); Basically, never trust data that you retrieve from the browser in a way that a user can edit, especially if that data is then used in a database query. Always make sure that it either matches the data type you expect, or potentially troublesome characters (quotes, code, etc.) are cleaned, so you reduce unexpected behavior. If you don't, it's likely that you will accidentally allow people more access to your database than you want them to have, potentially allowing them to even delete your database. http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_injection.asp
  20. Yes, my code suggestion will work -- as long as the student id's are unique per student, that approach will work fine.
  21. I believe the default username is "root" and the password field is empty "".
  22. 1) There really isn't any secret trick to this... You'd just need to design it within Photoshop for multiple widths -- probably for a max width of 1200 pixels, 980 pixels, and 320 pixels or so for smart phones. Overall, you're going to be doing more work compared to a non-responsive design. 2) You can do your coding, and then take a screenshot of the final product? However, if the client is expecting a PSD, you'd be better off designing in Photoshop rather than in the browser.
  23. The issue is in your ajax.php file, specifically on these lines: $display_string .= "<td><a href='View_Profile.php'>View</a> </td>"; $display_string .= "<td><a href='Admin_Edit_Student_Info.php'>Update</a></td>"; $display_string .= "<td><a href='Admin_Delete_Student.php'>Delete</a></td>"; I'm assuming you have some sort of unique numeric ID associated with each student? You need to edit each of the view/update/delete links to include that id. Something like this: $display_string .= "<td><a href='View_Profile.php?id=X'>View</a> </td>"; $display_string .= "<td><a href='Admin_Edit_Student_Info.php?id=X'>Update</a></td>"; $display_string .= "<td><a href='Admin_Delete_Student.php?id=X'>Delete</a></td>"; Obviously, the "X" in each would need to be replaced with that student's id. Then, on the View_Profile, Admin_Edit_Student_info and Admin_Delete_Student pages, you would get that student's ID using $_GET, and use that id to retrieve the student's info for Viewing/Editing/Deleting using the database. You can see that sort of approach in my CRUD tutorial: http://www.killersites.com/community/index.php?/topic/3064-basic-php-system-view-edit-add-delete-records-with-mysqli/. In my code, you'll see that I am adding an id to my view/edit/delete links, and retrieving that id on those pages to access the correct information.
  24. ...I feel young... I sadly don't remember a time before plastic Potato Head.
  25. falkencreative

    Ie Problem

    I'm looking at it in IE11 and I'm not seeing any issues...? Maybe you fixed it already?
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