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  1. Hi, Once and a while I mention things that fall outside the realms of web design and web programming; I only do so when I feel it is something important to point out. The Giant Housing Scam This time around, it is the giant fraud put forth by the US financial players ... this whole housing bubble was a giant ponzi scheme and a new giant ponzi scheme is being engineered now. Check out this Rolling Stone article - it sums up what happened and what is gearing up to happen over the next several years. http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/28816321/the_great_american_bubble_machine Though Americans are going to get the biggest shaft (as they are now,) the rest of the world will feel the pain of the scam as well .. as we are all now. Stefan
  2. Another option is to use PHP and to do this on the server. It pretty much works in the same way except you will have to pass the zip code selected to PHP via either: - get/post request - ajax transaction. You can learn a little about Ajax here: http://www.killerajax.com/ Stefan
  3. You can do this with Javascript and DOM scripting. You would have to load your collection of zip codes into say a Javascript associative array, where you would pair up your zip codes to images. Once a zip code is selected, you could loop through your array and then use the DOM to set display the image. Hint: Look at 'innerHTML'. Try it with a simple array first and then expand from there. Stefan
  4. Hi, Since the server migration, has anyone have troubles uploading images .. you avatar? Let me know, Stefan
  5. You cannot rename a CD once it has a name - it is literally burned in. - Just create a copy onto a new CD and give it whatever name you like. Stefan
  6. daddyalfie, I'm happy to hear the forum is helpful to you. So, have you noticed a speed difference? Stefan
  7. I'm happy to hear it. The server change was something waiting to happen for a while ... Stefan
  8. Hi, I transferred killersites.com to our dedicated server because our old host was dropping the ball ... they're puny girly-boy server couldn't handle the load. Anyway, do you guys notice the site/forum being a little faster? Thanks, Stefan
  9. IE will be around for probably years to come. That said, IE supported embedded fonts years ago. Stefan
  10. It is all over the Web - Jackson has died. I got it on Google news. Stefan
  11. Farrah Fawcett Dies AND Michael Jackson Dies No joke. The biggest icons of the 70's and 80's die on the same day. This is a very strange day. Stefan
  12. That scenario is something that would be extremely rare ... very, very rare. ... I would not be too concerned. - Have you done my basic PHP tutorials? Stefan
  13. You could also do this easily enough with Wordpress. It has plug-ins for shopping carts and lots of themes to choose from. I have a small Wordpress section with some videos: http://www.killersites.com/wordpress/ Stefan
  14. administrator


    Hi, Do you have a hard time with these videos: http://www.killersites.com/dreamweaver/dreamweaver-cs4-videos.php http://www.killersites.com/blog/2009/can-dreamweaver-edit-golive-files/ .. The above are new louder videos. - And yes, I have been looking at options to have my videos subtitled. Stefan
  15. Hi, Just upload an mp3 file of the sermon and then link to it on your web page. When a user clicks on the mp3, their default media player will pop open and play the mp3 once it is downloaded. This will all be automatic. On Windows, that would probably be Windows Media Player and on Mac, Itunes. Hope that helps, Stefan
  16. Hi, You have two options I can think of: 1. Use an sql view. 2. Use a PHP transaction. I know you know what views are so I won't go into them here. Transactions allow you to fire off multiple sql statements one after another, where if one should fail, all the sql statements are canceled. This way, you could update many tables at the same time and insure that the database doesn't get corrupted if something happened half way through. You can find the right syntax for php transactions if you do a search for it. Stefan
  17. Hi, I thought it might be interesting to learn that Safari seems to be making inroads with regards to the browser wars - 11 million downloads in three days is not bad! For me though, what is really interesting is that more than half of the downloads were from Windows users. So what do you guys think of Safari's importance going forward? I am thinking that it is now part of the big three: IE Firefox Safari Stefan
  18. Oh yea, how would guys say the over traffic on the forums has been? Is it less or more or less the same? Stefan
  19. Interesting ... I wonder if it just has to do with the forum itself? :/
  20. That frankly sounds like total BS .. it's too expensive in the US!! For things like by-pass, you get good care. It's when you get to not so life threatening things, that is where you can deal with the problems of the system. Again, no one goes broke because of health care. Canadians decided long before I was born that health care was a right. Certain things in life should not be commercially driven: - police - fire prevention - health care Doctors make about $150k a year in Quebec .. with experience AFAIK. It may not seem like much, but the cost of living up here overall is far less. As far as taxes go, I couldn't say what percentage goes to health care. But I do know that individuals pay more taxes in Canada. For example, if you make over 60K you loose 1/2. But, you don't pay health care and you don't have high crime in most of our cities. In Montreal, a city of 3.5 million, I can walk around in the 'dangerous' parts of town at 2 am with new worries. On the other hand, our corporate tax rate is far lower: 22%. Funny, we are far more left than the US, but we have the healthiest banks in the world (they weren't so greedy) and we have far less debt. Up until just this year in fact, we had surpluses for about 15-20 years. Stefan
  21. Hi, I'm at it again - I released a new video discussing some of the options you have when it comes to embedding video into web pages. I am looking for feedback on the following: 1. Speed that the video comes down to you. 2. Clarity of the sounds and video. 3. The quality of the presentation? Did I bore you to tears? Was it useful at all to you - did you learn anything? As some of you know, I am now experimenting with this new video format and style and so all your feedback is appreciated. Thanks, Stefan
  22. That's it! Remember this: at the end of the day, all this Web programming stuff is just pushing text around - 98% of the time. Yes, plain old text. Hope that helps, Stefan
  23. Welcome to the forum. Stefan
  24. The Canadian system is far from perfect, but the US media throws out a bunch of BS regarding it so as to dumb down people. They don't want Americans to realize how much they are being shafted. For some non-critical procedures, you can wait. But for anything painful, serious etc ... you get in right away. One thing that should be noted is that in Canada, everyone goes to the hospital putting more pressure on the system. Whereas in the US, 45 milion don't go at all - less pressure. If any politician tried to move Canada to a US type system; they would be strung up and there would be riots in the streets. That should tell you about how Canadians feel about our 'terrible' health care system. PS: no one ever went BK because of medical bills in Canada. Stefan
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