KillerSites Blog

Swift, Apple’s new programming language, has come to KillerSites

June 4, 2014

Apple Swift


I think Apple’s Swift programming language will quickly become one of the most important languages you can learn. Besides being the language of MacOSX, you can use Swift to swiftly create iOS (iPad, iPhone) games among other apps.

… Did I mention games!!

iPad will become the Gaming Platform

I think iPad and gaming will become one. Consider these facts:

  • Already major gaming companies are porting complete games to iOS.
  • There are new games that now play on both consoles like PS4 as well as the iPad. So now you can play online vs people who are on their PS4, while you are on the iPad.
  • Some of the most popular games in the world are on mobile only – Ipad being dominate.

What makes Swift Special?

Swift was announced about 2 days ago and I just installed the beta yesterday … so I’ve only just written a bit of Swift code so far. That said, it looks like a powerful language that writes like a nimble scripting language – reminds me of Python.

What makes Swift special is found in it’s namesake – it’s fast, easy to learn and easy to write. Apple claims Swift runs much faster than Objective C and especially Python.


Swift Playground

Along with the Swift language, Apple created an app that allows you to view your code working in real-time, this application is called Playground and it comes with the iOS SDK and Xcode. You can learn more here:


I just started looking at Swift and I plan to dive much deeper into it.

Stefan Mischook