KillerSites Blog

How to get ahead in web design.

June 7, 2011

One of my main motivations is to teach you web design skills that are practical, marketable and in the end, will make you more money. We want to teach you how to make a living with those skills.

… Yes, web design for cash is a good thing – in fact, it’s the goal for many of us!

How to beat the competition:

Though the Web is growing faster than ever before, you still have a lot of competition out there when it comes to web design jobs. In fact, there are many more web designers today than ever before. Fortunately, we have a couple of big things going for us:

  1. The Web is many times bigger than it was in the 1990’s.
  2. Like the 1990’s, the key to getting ahead of the competition is not all that hard because (as always) we have one thing on our side: laziness! Yes, people are lazy.

The more you learn, the more you earn:

The key to getting ahead is found in learning. The more you know, the easier it will be to find work, to land that contract and to charge more for your time. It is important that you as a web professional continue to develop your skills and to look to what is coming around the bend – those who jump onto the next web technology trend, will be able to monetize that upside.

… Since most people are lazy and will only learn new techniques when they absolutely have to, all you need to do to get ahead, is to continue to the learn.

So, what are the web skills for today and tomorrow?

  1. HTML 5 and CSS 3.
  2. Tablets and smart phones: iPad, iPhone, Android.
  3. CMS development: WordPress, Drupal.

More later,

Stefan Mischook