KillerSites Blog

Server-side vs. Client-side Programming Languages

May 31, 2006

More and more web designers are interested in taking the jump into learning how to build database driven websites.

These days, the language of choice is PHP (with some adventurous nerds jumping into Ruby,) because it is easy to use, easy to learn and is very popular.

Regardless of what technology/programming language (PHP, ASP, JSP, Cold Fusion) you use to build database driven websites, there are some (common) basic concepts that have to be understood before you can move forward.

In the following video tutorial, I explain to the difference between server-side programming (PHP, ASP etc ..) vs. client-side programming – JavaScript, VB Script etc …

Video: Server-side programming vs. Client-side programming

PS: after you watch this video, you may want to take it to the next level and actually learn PHP.

Stefan Mischook